This story pivots on the decision Sammy made; was it the right one? Do you agree or disagree with his belief that “once you begin a gesture it’s fatal not to go through with it” (para 31)? Does Updike want us to see Sammy as acting foolishly or courageously?
I think that Sammy was trying to be heroic, however his plan backfired and to his surprise the girls didn't even support him or defend him. I do agree with Sammy that once you begin a gesture it is fatal to not go through with it.  I feel that Updike  wants us to view Sammy in a courageous way. He wants us to understand that sometimes you have to stand up for whats right even if the results are weak.
Sammy is both the main character and the narrator of this story. How does this first-person point of view affect your attitude toward him? Do you like him? Is he funny and engaging? Disrespectful? Smug? Cite specific passages in your response
My attitude towards Sammy, Because he is the narrator, is more opinionated  because I feel that he tells the story from his POV. I like how despcritive Sammy is and  he a bit funny. My favorite line is when he describes the skinny tall girls bathing suite. 
he says "With the straps pushed off, there was nothing between the top of the suit and the top of her head except just her, this clean bare plane of the top of her chest down from the shoulder bones like a dented sheet of metal tilted in the light. I mean, it was more than pretty."
What do you think this poem is about? I think the poem is about the negative feelings the author has towards some.

How can the use of fireworks be a metaphor? The use of firework can be used as a metaphor because are beautiful however, they are also very dangerous and strong.

What colors and shapes do you see? I see the color green and I see spirals and asterisk (*) I see maroons and jade.

Do you see any type of rhymes in this poem?  yes in lines 3-6 But whenever I see you, I burst apart And scatter the sky with my blazing heart. It spits and sparkles in the stars and balls, Buds into roses - and flares, and falls.

“I still believed in the infinite possibilities of love, so maybe marriage, I thought, would be the thing to cement us.”

1- What is my idea about romantic love? Well I feel that for love to be romantic it comes from different experiences in a relationship. That walk in the park at 1am could make the love the most romantic experience you've ever encountered. However the sporadic love sessions you have with your lover means the most to you. I truly believe that memories and meaningful encounters make any love special. For the most part if I remember you 20 years down the road and still feel goose bumps, then we must of had some type of [romantic] love.

2- I believe that you can be in love, then later fall out of love. Why? Well there is no {one} special kind of love. People fall in and out of love all the time , and very rarely fall back in love with the same person. I hate to admit it, but love is like a wheel that never stops turning.

3- I believe that you can have a soul mate, a true love and or several real loves. Sometimes you have to try on a number of jeans before you find the right fit.

4- What are your expectations for love in your life?
My expectations for love in my life are to be happy. I know that if I'm happy that the love will last and be intense. I also want to gain some type of wisdom and experience from being in love. I want to learn new things and feel different ways. I expect to be impressed not by things, but by the persons mind[ my fiancee' Chris]. I want to grow in the love and explore the different sectors of love. I expect to view love 10+ years later in a different way that I may see it now as a young adult. However, you never really know what to expect from love. Do you?

       "But he loved me. In his own way maybe, but he loved me. There was love there, Mel. Don't say there wasn't.” - Raymond Carver, "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" I love this quote because it expresses my opinion about love. I feel that sometime love is not shown in the way(s) we always expect, but it is shown. Sometime it is shown the only way a person knows. Anger, abuse, disrespect, sex, lies, fun, happiness: the only way(s) we know. A guy lies to his wife, he says he does it because he loves her and does not want to hurt her. In actuality he just broke her heart and made her have trust issues with every man after him. A women loves her boyfriend, she wants to go on a dozen dates a month and spend every minute with him. Her boyfriend thinks she is too obsessive and attached. That guy that lied to his wife grew up with a dad that lied to him. The women that is obsessed with her boyfriend never had her mother around. So my point is, that we give the only love we know to the people we get involved with. However of course, you get advice or counseling to really get inside your own head and figure out what you like and want to accept as love. I still don't fully understand [what] love is or what it means. When I was 15 I had a friend whose aunt named Sandra had a best friend named Herman. Sandra and Herman were so close I thought they were lovers. When I questioned my friend about Herman and Sandra's friendship, she was offended and defended them saying they were just friends. I didn't undesrtand why the were so kind to eachother , but were not intimate. They would go to see plays together for godsake! But they were not lovers. There friendship later became a little rocky when Sandra's niece passed away from cance. Sandra and Herman shared the responsibilty of raisng four children under the ages of 6. I moved on from those people and I  still could never understand what Sandra and Herman had, beside the fact that maybe they loved each other in their own right. Love is a difficult subject because it is undefined. I believe love will always be undefined. "love can make people do strange things, and so can the fear of losing love. "-A Pact  To Making The Heart Grow Fonder?, this quote is very true in the sense that love changes and so does people. So often people go into love thinking that the moments and the feelings that they experience [in the moment] are never gong to change or fade. Well too bad for the uneducated and/or unexperienced, they will just have to experience love for theirselves. - Janelle Younger

 Raymond Carver,  Jr. (May 25, 1938 – August 2, 1988) was an American short story writer and poet. Carver was a popular writer of the late 20th century and a force in the revitalization of American short story literature in the 1980s. 
 Carver became interested in writing in California, where he had moved with his family. He studied writing and published his first book"The Furious Seasons",his work is based soley from his own personal experience.  

Paragraph Response From Carver's Work (what we talk about , when we talk about love)

Raymond Carver's work " What  we talk about when we talk about love", has a strong connection to his own personal experiences. He talks about love, drinking, and abuse. In his story he talks about an old couple who were in a car wreck. The old man couldn't see his wife due to their injuries and he ultimately became depressed. The narrator in the story couldn't quite understand why the old man felt the way he did, because the old man knew that his wife was going to be ok . Carver also writes that all the characters in his stories are married, but have been married before. He himself was married twice. He had an abusive marriage and his wife was in love and thought she could stick it out. She ultimately left him, but say's she will always love him. "I thought I could outlast the drinking. I'd do anything it took. I loved Ray, first, last and always."- [from Carver's first wife] In his story the character Terri had an abusive relationship that she [thought] she could outlast , until the guy tried to kill her. So overall carver's work always had a connection to his life... His grave stone reads:LATE FRAGMENT
And did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself

beloved on the earth.
