Part 1 - Minimum Wage: Prior Knowledge

1) When I hear the term “minimum wage” the first word or words that come to mind are: low pay, baby job , little money 

2) I believe the minimum wage in NYC is: $8.75 as of 2014

3) I have heard or read the following about the minimum wage: Minimum: each state has their own minimum wage standards.full-time minimum wage workers are barely making more than $15,000 a year

4) The minimum wage affects me or relates to me in the following way or 
     ways: The minimum wage affects me because the lower the minimum wage is, the harder things will be for me. however I also think that the higher the minimum wage is , the more expensive things will be.

Part 2 – Research on Minimum Wage

1) What is the history of the minimum wage? (summary response – one paragraph).

2) What is the difference between Federal and State minimum Wage? What is the current minimum wage for both federal and state? What is New York’s minimum wage for 2014?
Many states have higher minimum wage rates and tougher overtime requirements than the FLSA standards

The Federal minimum wage is governed by theFair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). The FLSA also governs the rate you are required to pay your employees for overtime, as well as governing the minimum age requirements for youth employment.
 NYCs Minimum wage 2014- $8.00

3) How much does a person make on minimum wage in NYC in 2014, given that the full time employment is 40 hours per week. $320

5) Make a brief budget to determine what a person needs to make to live in NYC. Research the following, and estimate a total for a month’s expenses, and compare that with how much a person “grosses” a month on minimum wage. 
a. Average rent in a neighborhood $1129

b. Average food costs-  $242
c. Average transportation costs-$262
d. Average energy costs- $100
e. Average clothing costs-356
f. Misc entertainment, etc. -$250

7) Can a full-time worker who earns minimum wage support themselves? No, they will struggle
 Compare your calculations with the yearly salary of a minimum was worker in NYC, Explain what you can deduce from the numbers?

you can reduce the entertainment and get food assistance (food stamps)

8) What does the federal government say the poverty level is for a single person? Again compare this with the numbers you have so far researched and discuss your opinion of this information in paragraph form.
3)    What is the change in dollar amount of the minimum wage today and in 1961? What is the percentage increase?

Part 3 – Effects of the minimum wage

1) Research the recent fast food workers strikes (summary response – one paragraph). List of links below:

2) Do you agree or disagree with their cause. Explain your answer.

Part 4 – Your final analysis of the minimum wage. 

Write at least two paragraphs discussing your research, did you learn anything new? What is your opinion on the minimum wage? Should it increase? Do low skilled workers deserve more money or not? Should teenagers have higher wages? Doe sit matter how old you are? As a society, are we better off with higher paid workers or not? Explain your thoughts on these and other ideas you may have about minimum wage. 

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014


